Egypt Tour Design Consultancy

Sacred journeys, are inspired by my own knowing of these lands, through the guardians of memory, long before what we know today as Egypt, these lands held frequency for humanity. Together with a team of dedicated local travel experts, licensed egyptologists and local Egyptian people I plan these journeys and retreats to share all that these lands have to offer. Since living in Luxor full time for more than 4 years now, I have been gifted unforgettable experiences which I am delighted to share and assist

your Dreams of Egypt become a reality!

Customized Itineraries: I will help you plan a sacred journey, that is supportive of your own evolutionary phase. Together we will go deep into your own knowing as a leader and guide and create what you have agreed to be and do here in Egypt and From Sand to Sea, from Tombs and Temples, to Deepening your Self Knowing, Astrology in the Sahara and Past/Future Lives, we can create a magical unforgettable trip.

I will share my deep insights into Egypt's rich history, my area of expertise is the 18th Dynasty particularly Amenhotep III and his Beloved Queen Tiye, archaeological sites, vibrant culture, and local traditions, ensuring you have an enriching and authentic experience.
Accommodations: We handpick a range of accommodations, from luxury hotels to cozy guesthouses, to ensure your comfort and relaxation throughout your stay in Egypt.
Transportation: We can help you plan national flights, comfortable and reliable private vehicles driven by professional drivers, train rides, cruising on the Nile and boat trips
Customer Support: Our commitment to excellence extends beyond your trip's planning phase. From the moment you book your tour until your safe return home, our dedicated customer support team can be planned to meet you at your arrival at the airport, ready to assist you with any questions, as well as any unforeseen circumstances that may arise.

How to Get Started

Planning your Egypt tour with us is simple:
Reach out to me via email or on messenger, and let me know your travel preferences, budget, and desired travel dates.
We will work closely with you to design a tailor-made itinerary that matches your interests and ensures you get the most out of your trip to Egypt.

Journeys to remember the divine dream that brought you on the planet, your legacy and lineage from the Stars, so you may Awaken your sacred song on the sands of time, through the wisdom of the ’Neteru’ the forces & balance in Nature, harmonic frequencies, Earth Alignments, ancient springs & the River Nile, the carved symbols in stone and all the ‘spells’ for conscious initiation left for you long ago.

The lands of Khem, hold ancient & modern Egypt, within it, an invitation into the heart of all things and experience Earth Temples alignments and archeoastronomy, from the pulse of the River to the pulse of the Stars.

Walk through the gates of the temples of stone, into the footsteps of courageous hearts that walked before you, and hear the stories of the ones that came to seed a new dawn, to leave a legacy for future generations.  

Let the flow of the mother Nile carry you gently to a time where all was known & sit with all what comes...

Are you seeing your self standing by the The Sphinx & the Great Pyramid, swimming in pristine fresh water lakes in the Saharan desert and seeing the Temple of the Oracle at Siwa, entering the tombs in the Valley of the Kings & Queens, walking up the grand staircase of Hatshepsut, experiencing the shafts of light at Dendera, walking through the avenue of the Sphinxs at Karnak, visiting the Great Temple of Divine Birth in the Mut Precinct, stepping through the heart chamber at Luxor Temple, communing with the SHem Shu Hor at Edfu, standing in front of Nefertari’s paintings at Abu Simbel, standing in the Holy of Holy’s at Philae. Temple of Isis…

Wether you wish to be still and go deeper in your own knowing, write a book, find pieces of the puzzle or simply desire to create a memorable adventure, Africa is the cradle of civilisation and the lands where all wisdom keepers have walked before it was ever known as Egypt, these lands received information for you to embody if you are ready, come as you are.